Our Reopening Framework includes a lot of content. It can be overwhelming at first! To get you up to speed, first we’ll help you understand each of the four strategies within the framework and then we’ll review the timeline for deploying each strategy.
Client Strategy
The Reopening Framework starts with your existing clients. They stuck with you during your shutdown, and you should make sure they are well-informed and excited about your reopening plan.
Broadcast Templates
An essential part of the reopening process is explaining your gym’s new policies and what you’ve done to prepare, so we created four broadcast email templates for you to customize and send to members seven days before opening, three to five days before opening, a day before opening, and whenever you need your equipment returned.
These templates will give you a starting point and a framework for communicating your reopening plans to members. While there will be a lot of excitement about reopening, there will also be many questions. These emails can answer those questions and help alleviate your members’ concerns.
100-Day Journey
Many of your members will need your help to rebuild their workout habit, almost as if they were new members. This means frequent communication that’s educational, motivational, and encouraging. They might be working out at a different time because their kids aren't in school. Maybe they're frustrated they can't lift the same weights they did before the shutdown. It's possible their eating habits changed and they need help getting back on track. If they haven’t returned to the gym, these emails will help them stay connected and engaged.
This 100-Day Journey, which starts for all members as soon as your gym opens, will keep your lines of communication open and will help you check in frequently to make sure your members are comfortable and happy with the new normal. Just like when they were new members, the first 100 days are the most critical for building habits and making progress. The campaign includes 21 emails and three check in tasks.
Reactivation Strategy
The Reactivation Campaign is focused on driving former members to rejoin your gym. You never know when someone will be ready to come back, so it’s important to keep them connected with frequent communication.
Reactivation Campaign
This is the second phase of your reopening strategy. We wait at least two weeks to start marketing to former clients so you can first focus on your current members and make sure your gym is running smoothly with your new procedures and guidelines. The Reactivation Campaign is six emails over 90 days to former members. These emails open up communication and deliver value.
Ads and Landing Page
After two weeks in the Reactivation Campaign, we start running a Facebook ad targeted to your former members. The ad will remind them of what they loved about your gym and drive them to a landing page where they can click to book a free consult or try a free class.
Hot Reactivation Campaign Overlay
If a former member visits the landing page and schedules a consult or class, they are enrolled in the Hot Reactivation Campaign Overlay, a 14-day campaign with four emails, three SMS messages, and one task. Your former members are extremely qualified leads, so the focus is on valuable content and ensuring someone from your gym follows up.
Lead Generation Strategy
After you’ve communicated with current and former members, it’s time to start generating leads.
Active Lead Campaign
The 21-Day Active Lead Campaign is the initial reopening communication strategy for leads. It’s designed specifically for new inquiries reaching out after a post-COVID-19 closure. The emails in the campaign will make new leads feel comfortable about working out at your gym while offering value. The campaign includes 9 emails, 2 sms, a task, and staff notification.
Ads and Landing Page
Our digital marketing team will create audiences based on the brand awareness campaign launched on day one (see below). The lead generation ad will drive leads to a landing page where they can schedule a free consultation or try a free class. Any new leads will also be entered into the Active Lead Campaign.
Brand Awareness Strategy
The goal of a brand awareness ad is initially not to generate appointments or trials. It is to begin building an audience that is potentially interested in your service. There could be an uptick in appointments or trials based on nurturing, but it isn't the goal, just a fantastic side effect.
Ads and Landing Page
Once your gym reopens, our digital marketing team will start running a brand awareness ad on Facebook. The target of this ad is people in your geographic area who have interests that indicate they would be a good fit for your gym. When someone clicks on one of these brand awareness ads they go to a landing page. On the landing page, they have the option to opt in and receive a free 30-Day At-Home Workout PDF.
Brand Awareness PDF Campaign
Once we capture their email address, this lead begins the Brand Awareness Campaign, built around the 30-Day At-Home Workout PDF. This campaign is seven days long and includes three emails, all about the PDF. This will go to anyone who sees and the Brand Awareness ad and then goes to landing page to request the PDF, including current members.